
Google’s constant product shutdowns are damaging its brand – 文章说Google老是喜欢关产品对它的品牌有损。一方面Google在最近刚出炉的品牌认可度上仅次于Apple排名第二,但另一方面,回想起我自己在Google Cloud的那段日子,也确实碰到有客户因为Google C端产品关闭的历史,而对于Cloud产品的存续性产生疑问。

Scaling A Company While Controlling Costs – “It turns out that Zoom has most of its engineering team in China, where they can hire high quality engineering talent at much lower cost.” 虽然中国的IT人力成本已经算挺高了,但是相比硅谷而言,性价比还是很高的。

Young man. You have the thing. Keep at it – 当年Thomas Edison在听了Henry Ford关于汽车的Pitch后对后者所说的话- “Young man, that’s the thing; you have it. Keep at it. Electric cars must keep near to power stations. The storage battery is too heavy. Steam cars won’t do either, for they have to have a boiler and fire. Your car is self-contained-carries its own power plant-no fire, no boiler, no smoke and no steam. You have the thing. Keep at it”

Snowflake Aims to Beat Amazon at Its Own Game – snowflake构建于AWS之上,但同时又和AWS自己的redshift是直接竞争关系。国外的云计算行业还是领先国内一步,到了有平台和第三方博弈的阶段。

The Single Reason Why People Can’t Write, According to a Harvard Psychologist – 搞技术的,没文档痛苦,有文档但是语焉不详的更加难受。这个Harvard心理学家用了”the Curse of Knowledge”来解释。结合我自己过去的经验,要写出别人能理解的文档,最主要的还是耐心。

I Sell Onions on the Internet – 大洋彼岸的美帝,一个用互联网思维卖洋葱降维打击的实践。

Criminals used to rob people with guns. Now they use a telephone – 美帝的骚扰电话/电话诈骗可以说是有过之而无不及。借着twilio这个平台,这个情况在一点点变好。我还是比较乐观地相信,5-10年内这个问题将能够被技术手段基本解决的。

ZetaSQL – Google之前内部有各种各样的存数据的系统,自然而然有了各种不太一样的SQL语法,几年前大家达成一致要统一到一个语法上。ZetaSQL看上去就是那个统一的开源版本。

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